When Should You Consider Having a Mole Examined?

Skin is an integral component of our bodies, covering every inch from head to toe and protecting us from the elements. Unfortunately, however, as we age and grow our skin can change considerably; for instance, acne, scars, and moles may appear. Of course, everyone’s skin varies and some are more likely to exhibit certain characteristics than others, but some of the issues we come across on a daily basis may raise many questions: is that an itchy patch ringworm or just dry skin? And can anything be done about my unrelenting acne breakouts or why my cheeks always appear red? Do I Need To See A Dermatologist About This Mole?? When it comes to moles, answering this question can be complicated. There can be many variations to them and most are harmless; however there may be signs that indicate it requires further assessment by a dermatologist.

The Development of Moles

Moles are generally harmless occurrences; when your moles are uniform in terms of shape, color, and size there should be nothing to worry about. But when moles begin to expand or change it may indicate deeper issues at work; especially if yours becomes asymmetric or starts spreading beyond its border or elevates. When this happens it would be wise to seek medical advice; an experienced dermatologist in Norman OK can recognize moles which pose risks; however if they remain within your skin without going beyond its borders or becoming asymmetric there should be nothing cause for alarm; typically when growing along its boundaries then no worries should arises – no worries about growing moles!

Moles Undergoing Color Changes

Changed moles should also raise red flags, as this indicates age or sun exposure-induced changes that lead to lighter hues or even becoming flesh-toned. But when multiple colors co-exist or the moles start bleeding freely then there should be cause for alarm and medical advice should be sought immediately. If something unusual seems to be going on with your moles contact a healthcare provider immediately for evaluation.

Understanding Skin Cancer

Understand the difference between moles and skin cancer is subtle but essential: moles refers to any lump or spot on a human body; while skin cancers, such as basal cell carcinoma, often exhibit symptoms other than moles. Moles usually don’t form after 50; therefore if new moles appear after this age, be cautious about doing body checks.

If your moles don’t cause you any concern, that is fantastic! But if any do concern you or present any risk of skin cancer, or are dissimilar from what’s already on your body, or something unusual has come up suddenly that seems different, don’t wait a second longer before making an appointment with your healthcare provider to get them checked – early detection typically yields greater patient success results.

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